Meadows is a family who feels called by God to come alongside adults with developmental disabilities.
We want to provide opportunities for these individuals to know about God, feel His love, and be included in our church family.
To honor God by helping adult people with intellectual disabilities to Know, Love, and Become like Jesus Christ.
At Caring Friends, we celebrate our Faith, Family, and Friends as the good gifts from God that they are. Our doors open at 3:00pm for fellowship and snacks together.
At 3:30pm we move into the Sanctuary for a time of praise and worship through songs and prayers. We hear God’s word through Bible stories, exploring what it means for us, through object lessons, skits, discussions and crafts.
According to Ephesians 2:10, "We are God’s accomplishment, created in Christ Jesus to do good things. God planned for these good things to be the way we live our lives." In all that we do, we try to help each other see ourselves as individuals whom God loves and has gifted in specific ways to bless others and honor Him.
(847) 255-8764
Office Hours
Monday to Thursday
Find Us
2401 Kirchoff Road
Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008
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